DC motor controller – working principle, definition, types
In our previous tutorial we already discuss about Working principle of electrical motor– its types, applications and all the parameters …
In our previous tutorial we already discuss about Working principle of electrical motor– its types, applications and all the parameters …
An electrical motor is a device that transform electrical energy into mechanical motion. It operates on the principle of electromagnetic …
A full wave and half wave rectifier is an electronic circuit designed to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current …
A Schottky diode is a semiconductor device formed by the junction of a metal and a semiconductor material if we …
a full wave bridge rectifier is an electrical setup of made of four diodes arranged in a specific way. It …
A Zener diode is a tiny semiconductor device like the PN junction diode but normally operated in the reverse biased …
The VI characteristics of a pn junction diode describe the relationship between the voltage applied across the diode (V) and …
A flywheel diode also known as a flyback diode is a semiconductor device from voltage spikes generated by inductive loads …
a P-N Junction Is where two types of semiconductor materials, one with extra positive charges (p-type) and other with extra …
A diode is a semiconductor device that permits current to flow in one direction while blocking it in the opposite …